Church Council
We hold elections to the church council during our annual congregation meeting, typically in January. The next annual meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2025, following our 9:30 a.m. worship service. You can find our 2024 annual meeting minutes here.
Executive officers are elected for 1 year, with a 2-term limit. Committee members are elected for a 3-year term and can also serve for 2 consecutive terms. If you are interested in serving on the church council, we welcome you! Please email us, talk to a member of the nominating committee, or talk to the pastor.
Our church council meets on the third Tuesday of most months, at 7 p.m., in the church. All church members are welcome to attend council meetings. Our monthly church council minutes can be found here.
​Executive Committee:
President: Mark Fillbrandt
Vice President: Larry Anderson
Secretary: Brian Kleespies
Treasurer: Alex Swanson
Pastor: Rev. Mark Nerland
Education Committee: Sarah Edwards, Chair
Jaclyn Petik
Calie Berg
Life & Fellowship Committee: Mike Kvanvig, Chair
Corrine Larson-Tufton
Cindy Swanson
Outreach Committee: Nancy Valenzuela, Chair
Christine Berg
Karen Harmonson
Property Management Committee: Steve Ring, Chair
Joel Carlson
Jason Fillbrandt
Worship Committee: Paul Fossum, Chair
Gary Sauter
Vicky Anderson
Youth Committee: Kelly Ring, Chair
Brandi Bendel-Paulson